Hezbollah Attacks Israeli Army HQ After Tehran’s Warning

Iran-backed Hezbollah has launched a barrage of rockets at an Israeli army headquarters, escalating tensions in the Middle East. The rocket attack targeted the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at Ein Zeitim Base in northern Israel. This retaliation followed Israeli strikes on Srifa, Rab Tlatin, and Odaisseh. The exchange of attacks between Iran and Israel has raised concerns about the potential for the Israel-Gaza conflict to escalate into a regional war.

Iran’s Warning of ‘Maximum Level Response’ to Israel

Iran issued a warning to Israel of an immediate and “maximum level” response following Israeli drone attacks. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian stated that any further Israeli actions against Iran’s interests would be met with a swift and severe response. This warning came after Iran destroyed drones believed to be launched by Israel. While Iran dismissed the drone attack as insignificant, it cautioned Tel Aviv against major retaliation.

  • Hezbollah confirmed launching a rocket attack on the headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at Ein Zeitim Base, using “dozens” of Katyusha rockets.
  • The attack was reportedly in response to Israeli incursions into southern Lebanese villages, including recent strikes on Srifa, Odaisseh, and Rab Tlatin, according to Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA).
  • The Israeli military reported approximately 35 rocket launches from Lebanon into the Ein Zeitim area but reported no casualties. Israeli forces retaliated by targeting the sources of the rocket fire.
  • Casualties have risen on both sides since the hostilities began, with at least 376 people, predominantly Hezbollah fighters, and 70 civilians killed in Lebanon, according to AFP. On the Israeli side, 10 soldiers and eight civilians have died.
  • Tensions between Israel and Iran are high, with Tehran warning of a harsher response to any further Israeli “mistakes.”
  • Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani denounced recent incidents near Isfahan, where explosions were heard, as “vexatious and malicious.” He stated that Iran’s air defense successfully thwarted the assault.
  • Rockets originating from northern Iraq targeted a military installation in Syria housing a coalition led by the United States. The coalition reported no injuries.
  • Protests erupted in Israel over the 133 individuals held captive by Hamas in Gaza, coinciding with the beginning of Passover. Demonstrators gathered outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence, demanding action to secure the hostages’ release.
  • Tensions also rose in the United States on university campuses over protests against the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. At Yale University, numerous arrests were made during demonstrations, while at Columbia University, protesters set up a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on campus lawns. Some Jewish students reported feeling intimidated and encountering instances of anti-Semitism during the protests.
  • Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 resulted in the deaths of 1,170 people, while Israel’s retaliation has killed at least 34,151 people in the Gaza Strip, mostly women and children.

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