Silkyara Tunnel Crisis: Experts Ignored, Tragedy Unfolded, Says Adhir | Parliamentary Proceedings.


Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, the leader of the Congress party in the Lok Sabha, raised the issue of the Silkyara tunnel collapse in Uttarakhand during the Zero Hour on December 12, 2023. He criticized the government for ignoring expert warnings about the risks associated with the project and argued that the tragedy could have been prevented.

Here are some key points from Chowdhury’s statement:

  • Experts, including geologists, had flagged concerns about the tunnel’s construction in the fragile Himalayan terrain. They highlighted issues like water seepage, landslides, and the absence of an escape tunnel.
  • The government failed to take these warnings seriously and ignored the expertise of these professionals. This resulted in the collapse of the tunnel, trapping 41 workers for 17 days.
  • Chowdhury demanded a transparent investigation into the incident and questioned the government’s contradictory statements about the requirement for an escape tunnel. He also urged the government to learn from this tragedy and ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future.

Chowdhury’s statement highlighted the importance of listening to expert advice and taking necessary precautions to prevent such tragedies. It sparked a debate in Parliament and drew attention to the potential risks associated with construction projects in sensitive areas.

Additional Information:

  • The Silkyara tunnel collapse occurred on December 1, 2023, trapping 41 workers.
  • After a 17-day rescue operation, all 41 workers were rescued alive.
  • The incident raised serious questions about the safety standards and risk assessment procedures followed during the project.

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